Waterjet Doctor

How to quickly cut 50mm thick metal ?

How to quickly cut 50mm thick metal ?

Cutting a 50mm thick metal requires specialized equipment and techniques due to the thickness. 

Here are some common methods for cutting metal that thick

Plasma Cutting

Plasma cutting is a fast and efficient method for cutting through electrically 

conductive materials like steel and aluminum. It uses a high-velocity jet of ionized gas (plasma)

 to melt and sever the metal.

Oxy-Fuel Cutting

 Oxy-fuel cutting uses a mix of oxygen and a fuel gas (such as acetylene) to 

create a high-temperature flame, which can rapidly oxidize and cut through the metal.

Waterjet Cutting

Waterjet cutting uses a high-pressure stream of water mixed with an abrasive

 substance to cut through metals. This method is precise and doesn't create heat-affected zones.

Laser Cutting

Laser cutting uses a high-powered laser beam to melt and vaporize the metal, 

resulting in a clean and precise cut. This method is fast and suitable for a wide range of metals.

What are the benefits of using a water jet cutter to cut 50mm thick metal?


Waterjet cutting is known for its high precision. It can cut intricate shapes with tight tolerances, 

making it suitable for detailed work on thick metals.

No Heat-Affected Zone

Waterjet cutting is a cold-cutting process, meaning it does not create a 

heat-affected zone (HAZ) along the cut edge. This is particularly beneficial for materials sensitive 

to heat distortion or hardening.

No Mechanical Stress

Waterjet cutting does not subject the material to mechanical stress, which 

can be important for materials that are prone to deformation or cracking under pressure.

Clean Cutting

Waterjet cutting produces clean edges without burrs or roughness, reducing the need

 for additional finishing processes.


Why is 100000psi water jet cutting the best solution for cutting 50mm metal?

Cutting Power

The high pressure of 100,000 psi provides immense cutting power, allowing the waterjet 

to easily slice through thick metals like butter, including steel, aluminum, titanium, and more.


Water jet cutting at such high pressures can achieve fast cutting speeds, making it a quick solution 

for cutting through 50mm thick metal compared to some other cutting methods.

If you encounter difficulties in cutting 50mm thick metal, please contact winwinwaterjet

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