Waterjet Doctor

Why does water jet cutting need a laser height measurement system?

Why does water jet cutting need a laser height 

measurement system?

Water jet cutting often incorporates a laser height measurement system for several reasons

Precision Control

Laser height measurement systems ensure precise control of the distance between the 

water jet nozzle and the workpiece surface. This helps maintain consistent cutting quality, especially when 

cutting materials with varying thicknesses or irregular surfaces.

Auto Focus Adjustment

The laser height measurement system can automatically adjust the water jet cutting head to 

maintain the optimal focus point as the cutting progresses. This is crucial for achieving accurate cuts, particularly

 in applications where the material surface may not be perfectly flat.

Compensation for Uneven Surfaces

By continuously measuring the distance to the workpiece surface, the laser 

system can compensate for any variations in height or irregularities, ensuring that the water jet remains at the 

correct cutting distance for uniform cuts.

Prevention of Collisions

The height measurement system helps prevent collisions between the cutting head and

 the workpiece by detecting any deviations in height. This protects the equipment from damage and ensures 

uninterrupted cutting operations.


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