Water Jet Nozzle

Water Jet Nozzle

Product Item:
superior HYPER-TUBE
Mixing Tube QBIC Plus
Paser ECL & Paser 4 Premium Mixing Tube
Paser ECL & Paser 4 Standard Mixing Tube
Trimline Mixing Tube
6.35*0.76*76.2 mm
6.35*1.02*76.2 mm
7.0*1.0*76.2 mm
7.14*0.76*76.2 mm
7.14*1.02*76.2 mm
  • Product Detail
What nozzles are used in water jet cutting?

tungsten carbideThat is why water jet nozzles are made from tungsten carbide. While for most other cutting 

and drilling industry products, the tip of the machine needs to be always in contact with the surface to do its job, 

Water Jet cutting machines do not need to do the same


What size is a waterjet nozzle?

The nozzle size refers to the width of the nozzle bore hole. This value is three times the orifice diameter. The size of the water jet cutting nozzles can be divided into three segments:

  • Small Nozzles: A small nozzle is used when high accuracy or intricate details are required in the water jet cutting process. The diameter of these nozzles can range from 0.254 mm to 1.016 mm (0.01 in to 0.04 in). Small nozzles provide a higher control of the cutting process.

  • Medium Nozzles: Medium nozzles are used when working on surfaces or during general cutting operation. The precision is not the primary requirement for the medium nozzle cutting operation. The nozzle bore diameter can vary between 1.016 mm to 2.032 mm (0.04 in to 0.08 in).

  • Large Nozzle: Large nozzle is used when high speed cutting is the primary requirement. They can process bulk material cutting at a rapid rate. The nozzle bore diameter ranges from 2.032 mm to 6.35 mm (0.08 in to 0.25 in).


0.030 x 3.0 / 0.76 mm x 76 mm 20477366 

0.030 x 4.0 / 0.76 mm x 102 mm 20477382 

0.033 x 4.0 / 0.84 mm x 102 mm 20490760 

0.040 x 3.0 / 1.02 mm x 76 mm 20486133* 

0.040 x 4.0 / 1.02 mm x 102 mm 20486166* 

0.043 x 3.0 / 1.10 mm x 76 mm 20477386 

0.043 x 4.0 / 1.10 mm x 102 mm 20477395 

0.045 x 3.0 / 1.14 mm x 76 mm 20486151* 

0.045 x 4.0 / 1.14 mm x 102 mm 20486158 

0.048 x 4.0 / 1.22 mm x 102 mm 20490768

ROCTEC® 100 waterjet cutting head nozzle


0.021 x 3.13 / 0.53 mm x 79 mm 20451227* 

0.025 x 3.13 / 0.63 mm x 79 mm 20452309* 

0.030 x 3.13 / 0.76 mm x 79 mm 10126969 

0.036 x 3.13 / 0.91 mm x 79 mm 80075252 

0.039 x 3.13 / 0.99 mm x 79 mm 49833593* 

0.040 x 3.13 / 1.02 mm x 79 mm 49835390 

0.043 x 3.13 / 1.10 mm x 79 mm 10126928 

0.052 x 3.13 / 1.32 mm x 79 mm 05117528 

0.058 x 3.13 / 1.47 mm x 79 mm 05051891* 

0.063 x 3.13 / 1.60 mm x 79 mm 10126936



0.021 x 2.0 / 0.53 mm x 50 mm 05097928 

0.030 x 3.13 / 0.76 mm x 79 mm 05097944 

0.036 x 3.13 / 0.91 mm x 79 mm 05116652 

0.043 x 3.13 / 1.10 mm x 79 mm 05097936 

0.093 x 3.13 / 2.36 mm x 79 mm 05130927*

Mixing Tube

Mixing Tube QBIC Plus


Part name          Diameter            Length

010460-20-20          20-20                      2 Inches

010460-30-30         30-30                      3 Inches 

010460-40-30          40-30                      3 Inches

010460-40-40          40-40                      4 Inches 

010460-50-30          50-30                      3 Inches 

010460-60-40          60-40                      4 Inches

Paser ECL & Paser 4 Premium Mixing Tube


Part number                   Length            Diameter

014194-30-30                  3 Inches           .03 Inches 

014194-30-40                  4 Inches           .03 Inches 

014194-35-40                  4 Inches           .035 Inches 

014194-40-30                  3 Inches           .04 Inches 

014194-40-40                  4 Inches          .04 Inches 

014194-50-35                  3.5 Inches        .05 Inches

Paser ECL & Paser 4 Standard Mixing Tube


Part number                       Length             Diameter

014214-30-30                     3 Inches             .03 Inches 

014214-30-40                     4 Inches             .03 Inches 

014214-35-30                     3 Inches             .035 Inches 

014214-40-30                     3 Inches             .04 Inches 

014214-40-40                     4 Inches              .04 Inches

Trimline Mixing Tube

image.pngPart number: 012680-40-30

What's the price for water jet nozzle ?

The price for water jet nozzle according the different sizes from 30-200USD

Water jet nozzle for different brands waterjet machine 

6.35*0.76*76.2 mm

6.35*0.81*74.9 mm

6.35*0.91*76.2 mm

6.35*1.02*76.2 mm

Jet edge waterjet

yongda waterjet 

Dardi waterjet

7.14*0.76*76.2 mm

7.14*0.91*76.2 mm

7.14*1.02*76.2 mm

WSI Waterjet

Flow waterjet 

Hypertherm waterjet

7.14*0.76*101.6 mm

7.14*0.91*101.6 mm

7.14*1.02*101.6 mm

7.14*1.52*101.6 mm

Flow waterjet

7.62*0.76*76.2 mm

7.62*1.02*76.2 mm

Hypertherm waterjet

CMS waterjet

8.00*0.76*101.6 mm

8.00*1.02*101.6 mm

Omax waterjet

9.45*0.76*76.2 mm

9.45*0.91 *76.2 mm

9.45*1.02 *76.2 mm

KMT waterjet

6.0*0.80*70 mm

6.0*1.02*70 mm

BHDT / BFT waterjet

9.47*0.76*101.6 mm

9.45*1.02*101.6 mm

KMT waterjet

PREVIOUS:Waterjet accumulator ,attenuator 1L ,2L

NEXT:Fanuc waterjet robot parts

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