Waterjet accumulator ,attenuator 1L ,2L

Waterjet accumulator ,attenuator 1L ,2L

Product Item:accumulator
High Pressure Piping, 1L Attenuator 72162477
High Pressure Piping, 2L Attenuator 72156222
Volume: 1L, 2L
Material : metal 
  • Product Detail

Waterjet accumulator ,attenuator 1L ,2L

Advantages of WIN-WIN Waterjet accumulator

  1. Overall forging

  2. no sealing

  3. maintenance-free

  4. large stock, delivery fast

A waterjet accumulator is a device used in waterjet cutting systems to store and supply high-pressure water to the cutting nozzle. 

It helps maintain a consistent and uninterrupted flow of water at the desired pressure during the cutting process.

The primary purpose of a waterjet accumulator is to compensate for the intermittent demand for water during cutting. Waterjet cutting 

machines typically require a high-pressure water source to create the cutting stream. However, the demand for water fluctuates as the 

cutting nozzle moves across the material being cut. When the nozzle is stationary or moving slowly, the water demand is low. But when

 the nozzle rapidly accelerates or changes direction, the demand for water increases significantly.

waterjet accumulator.jpg

To meet these varying demands, a waterjet accumulator stores pressurized water and releases it when the demand exceeds the supply.

 It acts as a buffer, ensuring a steady flow of water at the required pressure to the cutting nozzle. The accumulator absorbs the excess 

energy from the high-pressure pump during low-demand periods and then releases it during high-demand periods.

The waterjet accumulator typically consists of a high-pressure vessel that contains a volume of water and a gas, such as nitrogen, 

separated by a flexible diaphragm or piston. As water enters the accumulator, it compresses the gas, thus storing energy. When water

 demand increases, the compressed gas pushes against the diaphragm or piston, forcing the stored water out of the accumulator and

 into the cutting system.

The accumulator's size and capacity depend on the specific requirements of the waterjet cutting system. It needs to be adequately sized

 to handle the peak demand for water during the cutting process. Properly designed accumulators help maintain consistent water pressure, 

minimize pressure fluctuations, and improve overall cutting performance.

It's worth noting that while waterjet accumulators are commonly used in industrial waterjet cutting systems, they may not be present in

 all waterjet machines. The presence of an accumulator depends on the specific design and requirements of the system.

Win-Win waterjet provide customize accumulator service for KMT ,FLOW ,BHDT, RESATO WATERJET users, price from 1750USD. contact us for quotation

drawing for 2L waterjet accumulator.jpg

Win-Win waterjet provide design drawings for waterjet accumulator users.

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 customized wooden case for waterjet cutting machine users meet the export standard, protect the accessories from damage

PREVIOUS:waterjet spare parts orifice

NEXT:Water Jet Nozzle

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