Waterjet Doctor

How accurate can a water jet cut?

Water jet cutting is a highly accurate cutting technology that can achieve precision cuts with tolerances as tight as +/- 0.003 inches. The accuracy of water jet cutting depends on several factors, including the type of material being cut, the thickness of the material, and the specific water jet cutting machine being used.

Water jet cutting machines use computer-aided design (CAD) software to program the cutting path and control the cutting process. The CAD software allows for precise control of the cutting speed, pressure, and nozzle movement, which helps to ensure accurate cuts. Some water jet cutting machines also use sensors and cameras to monitor the cutting process in real-time, allowing for adjustments to be made on-the-fly to ensure accurate cuts.


The accuracy of water jet cutting can be affected by several factors, including the type of material being cut and its thickness. Harder materials, such as metals and ceramics, may require more precise control of the cutting process to achieve accurate cuts. Thicker materials may also require more precise control to ensure consistent cuts across the entire thickness of the material.

In addition to the cutting process itself, the accuracy of water jet cutting can also be affected by the setup and preparation of the material being cut. Proper securing and alignment of the material on the cutting table is essential to ensure accurate cuts. Any movement or vibration of the material during the cutting process can cause inaccuracies in the cut.

Overall, water jet cutting is a highly accurate cutting technology that can achieve precise cuts with tolerances astight as +/- 0.003 inches. However, the accuracy of the cutting process may be affected by several factors, including the type and thickness of the material being cut, the specific water jet cutting machine being used, and the setup and preparation of the material. With proper technique and equipment, water jet cutting can be a highly precise and reliable cutting method for a wide range of materials.


ACCURACYAverage of ±0.003" (±0.08 mm) and up to 0.001” (±25 μ) 1
THICKNESSUp to 24" (61cm), virtually any material
5-10 times faster than EDM when thickness is under 1"

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