Techni Waterjet 500-19-0011 Polynet filter

Techni Waterjet 500-19-0011 Polynet filter

Product Item: 500-19-0011
Product Name: TECHNI waterjet part
Manufacturer: Win Win Waterjet
Techni Waterjet 500-19-0011
500-19-0011 Polynet filter
  • Product Detail

Techni Waterjet 500-19-0011 Polynet filter  


The TECHNI Waterjet 500-19-0011 Polynet Filter is an essential component of TECHNI waterjet cutting systems. Polynet filters are designed to remove particulates and contaminants from the water used in the cutting process, ensuring that the system operates efficiently and effectively. Proper filtration is critical to maintaining the longevity and performance of the waterjet system.

Key Aspects of the TECHNI Waterjet 500-19-0011 Polynet Filter

  1. Material:

    • High-Quality Filtration Media: Typically made from durable materials designed to capture fine particles and contaminants. The exact material is chosen for its ability to withstand high water pressure and its filtering capabilities.

  2. Design:

    • Efficient Filtration: Engineered to provide high filtration efficiency, removing particulates that could damage the pump, cutting head, or other system components.

    • Durable Construction: Built to handle the pressures and flow rates typical in waterjet systems, ensuring a long service life.

  3. Function:

    • Contaminant Removal: Filters out debris, abrasive particles, and other contaminants from the water supply to protect the waterjet system.

    • System Protection: Helps prevent clogs and wear in high-precision components, maintaining system performance and reducing maintenance costs.

Maintenance Tips for Polynet Filters

  1. Regular Inspection:

    • Periodically inspect the filter for signs of clogging or damage. Regular inspections help identify when the filter needs cleaning or replacement.

  2. Cleaning:

    • Depending on the specific design, some polynet filters can be cleaned and reused. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper cleaning procedures to ensure effective filtration.

  3. Replacement:

    • Replace the filter at recommended intervals or when it shows signs of significant wear or damage. Using a worn or damaged filter can compromise the entire system’s performance.

  4. Proper Installation:

    • Ensure the filter is correctly installed according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Incorrect installation can lead to inadequate filtration and potential system damage.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  1. Clogging:

    • If the filter becomes clogged, it can restrict water flow and reduce system efficiency. Inspect and clean or replace the filter as needed.

  2. Reduced Filtration Efficiency:

    • Over time, the filter media can degrade, reducing its effectiveness. Regular replacement is necessary to maintain optimal filtration.

  3. Leaks or Damage:

    • Inspect the filter housing and connections for leaks or damage. Ensure that the filter is properly seated and the housing is securely closed.


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