Water Jet Cutting Machine Working Seal Cartridge 040015-1

Water Jet Cutting Machine Working Seal Cartridge 040015-1

Product Item:040015-1
Seal Cartridge 040015-1
  • Product Detail

What you should know before water jet cutting machine working

To a certain extent, the development of materials also promotes the progress of processing technology and equipment. The cutting industry is a good proof of this point, especially after the emergence of CNC waterjet, the contradiction between materials and processes has been well resolved, how is it manifested specifically?

Due to the many disadvantages of traditional cutting methods, there is no way to meet the cutting requirements of new materials, so the processed materials can only stay in the traditional stage, and it is imperative to develop new cutting processes. It is different with water jet cutting machine working, it is better than other crafts, it can complete all kinds of complicated cutting for this kind of material, and it is very simple to operate.

Practice has also proved that no matter it is stone, metal and rubber composite materials, glass, alloy, etc., it can be easily dealt with, and will not cause damage to the material itself. It can be seen that the performance of water jet cutting machine working is extremely strong, we must make good use of it.

What would a water jet cutting machine working be without the limitations of a thermal state

The waterjet cutting machine already has many advantages, and can also get the ideal cutting effect, and it is still under the premise of the limitation of thermal cutting. If this limitation were removed, it should be conceivable that the cutting effect would be better. And is that really the case?

Hot cutting will cause many adverse effects, such as burns and melting at the incision, and defects such as stress and microcracks may also be caused by hot cutting. So without this limitation, water jet cutting machine working can achieve high-speed cutting without directly applying pressure to the workpiece.

Regardless of whether it is a large workpiece, a small workpiece or a workpiece with a complex shape, water jet can treat it equally, and cut the knife at any position on the material. In addition, those defects mentioned above can also be overcome, so as to obtain the desired cutting quality.


Three aspects of strict inspection before using waterjet

Waterjet is an ideal cutting equipment, whether it is in cutting quality or the whole cutting process, it is in good condition. But if the water jet cutting machine working is not properly maintained, it may not be able to machine precision workpieces, and a comprehensive inspection is still required just in case.

Open the water flow under low pressure. Generally speaking, the water flow is symmetrical, and its width changes with the nozzle. If the water flow gradually becomes wider during the spraying process, it means that the nozzle may be damaged, and try to replace it so as not to affect other parts.

In fact, it is to check the cutting head on the water jet, because any wear and damage may not meet the ideal cutting requirements. Don't forget to check some wearing parts in the equipment conveying system, such as pipes, joints, etc. Once any problems are found, they should be solved in time to avoid serious problems that affect the efficiency of water jet cutting machine working and the service life of equipment.

How to judge the cutting speed of water jet cutting machine working

As a waterjet user, there is a very concerned issue, that is, what is the cutting speed of the waterjet. In fact, this question is difficult to answer, which includes many factors, so it is impossible to measure accurately. But in fact, the cutting speed of the water jet cutting machine working can still be calculated in a certain way, how to do it?

First of all, all factors that may affect the cutting speed of the waterjet should be obvious, including material, thickness, angle, hole diameter of the sand tube, etc., because the general speed changes due to these differences. Generally, sand pipes with large apertures have a relatively strong cutting ability under normal pressure, so the cutting speed is also fast.

When calculating the cutting speed of the waterjet, it is necessary to judge the model based on the experience accumulated in actual use, so that the results obtained will be relatively accurate. After clarifying the speed of water jet cutting machine working, the actual implementation of the work efficiency will also be greatly improved.

What is the pressure of water jet cutting machine working?

Cutting with a water jet is a method of engineering for cutting objects using the energy from high speed, high density, ultra-high pressure water. The water is pressurized to a maximum 392 MPa (approximately 4,000 atmospheres) and projected from a small-bore nozzle (Φ0. 1 mm).

What can a water jet machine cut?

Waterjet machines cut all types of metals: hardened tool steel, aluminum, titanium, and a host of exotic metals that prove difficult to cut with other tools or processes. Cutting with a waterjet produces a smooth edge with no burn marks, cracking or excess burrs.

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