HPP Ultra-High Pressure Seafood Shelling Technology

HPP Ultra-High Pressure Seafood Shelling Technology

Product Item:WW100000PSI-HPP
HPP Ultra-High Pressure Seafood Shelling Technology
  • Product Detail

HPP Ultra-High Pressure Seafood Shelling Technology

Ultra-high pressure seafood automatic shell opening equipment is a brand-new shell opening equipment for shellfish. 

Shellfish are placed in a sealed ultra-high pressure container, and ultra-high pressure is used to force the shell adductor 

muscle fibers and tissues to degenerate, resulting in a decrease in the tightness of the combination of meat and shell, and

 damage to the shell closing force, so that the adductor muscle falls off the shell, and the shell and meat of the shell can 

be separated without the help of external force.

Win-Win ultra-high pressure is used for shelling oysters, abalone, black clams, variegated clams, clams, green willow clams

 and other shellfish products. The products have been successfully sold to South Korea, Japan and other countries, and are

 well received by customers.


The main advantages of HPP processing seafood products:

*Efficient shelling of seafood, reducing labor and increasing production.

*Avoiding pollution from manual shelling and ensuring the hygiene and safety of seafood.

*Retaining the fresh flavor and nutritional content of seafood products

If you are searching HPP processing seafood,feel free contact win-win .

PREVIOUS:HPP processed salads and sauces

NEXT:HPP low temperature sterilization technology inhibits microorganisms and pathogens in meat products

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