
How to reduce noise during robotic waterjet work?

How to reduce noise during robotic waterjet work?



Robot armABB IRB1600-20KG
StructureFull enclosed Ceiling type
TableTurn table 
Is there a soundproofing structure?Yes
PumpWaterjet SL-VI dual intensifier waterjet pump

1. Enclosure or Soundproofing: 

Build an enclosure around the robotic waterjet cutting machine to contain the noise within a confined space. Use materials with 

sound-absorbing properties, such as acoustic panels or foam, to minimize noise transmission. Ensure the enclosure has proper ventilation to prevent overheating.

2. Vibration Isolation:

 Install anti-vibration mounts or pads beneath the robotic waterjet cutting machine to reduce the transfer of vibrations to the surrounding structure.

This can help minimize noise propagation.

3.Maintenance and Calibration: 

Regularly maintain and calibrate the robotic waterjet cutting machine to ensure optimal performance. Loose or worn parts can contribute

 to increased noise levels. Follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule and guidelines.

4.Damping Materials: 

Apply damping materials, such as rubber pads or dampening coatings, to the surfaces of the machine that tend to vibrate or resonate. These 

materials help absorb vibrations and reduce noise.

5.Noise Reduction Accessories: 

Consider using noise reduction robotic waterjet accessories designed specifically for waterjet cutting machines. These can include noise-reducing

 nozzles, water deflectors, or mufflers, which can help decrease noise levels during operation.

6.Operator Protection: 

Provide hearing protection for operators working near the robotic waterjet cutting machine. This can include earplugs or earmuffs that offer adequate 

noise reduction.

7.Proper Maintenance of Abrasive Delivery System:

 Ensure the abrasive delivery system is functioning properly and free from defects. Malfunctions or inefficiencies in

 the abrasive system can contribute to increased noise levels.

8.Distance and Layout: 

Position the robotic waterjet cutting machine away from areas where noise-sensitive activities occur. Optimize the layout of the workspace to minimize

 noise propagation. Consider separating the machine from other workstations or using noise barriers between them.


If you are interested in how to reduce the noise of robotic waterjet cutting , please consult winwinwaterjet.

PREVIOUS:ABB IRB6700 Wrist, ABB robot parts

NEXT:Waterjet Ultra High Pressure Tubing, 3/ 8

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