HPP high pressure parts 9/16 Tee AT01403

HPP high pressure parts 9/16 Tee AT01403

Product Item:AT01403
HPP high pressure parts 9/16" Tee AT01403
  • Product Detail

HPP high pressure parts 9/16" Tee AT01403


In order to meet the needs of consumers (convenient and ready-to-eat, higher taste and nutritional quality,

 additive-free, natural, functional products, etc.), food companies need to continue to innovate and adopt newer 

non-thermal physical processing technologies, and HPP high-pressure processing is the most effective one.

HPP can avoid the disadvantages caused by traditional heating methods used in the food industry.

The main advantages of high-pressure processing (HPP) technology

· No additives are used.

· Fresh taste, color and nutritional characteristics are fully preserved.

· Extend the shelf life of the product.

· Significantly reduce microbial damage to the flora.

· Meet food safety and export requirements.

· Obvious innovation and competitive advantages (products that cannot be heat-treated can now be 

high-pressure treated).

· Effective, energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and labor-saving (non-thermal and non-artificial 

extraction of fresh meat of molluscs or crustaceans)

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