015084-1 Bleed Down Valve Repair Kit

015084-1 Bleed Down Valve Repair Kit

Product Item:015084-1
Product Name: 87K waterjet part
Manufacturer: Win Win Waterjet
  • Product Detail

015084-1 Bleed Down Valve Repair Kit


An 87k waterjet cutting machine pump typically refers to a high-pressure water pump with a rating of 87,000 pounds per square inch (psi) that is used to power a waterjet cutting machine. Waterjet cutting is a process that uses a high-pressure stream of water to cut through a variety of materials, including metal, stone, glass, and composites.

The pump is responsible for pressurizing the water to the required level and delivering it to the cutting head. The cutting head contains a small orifice through which the water is forced at high speed, creating a fine jet that is used to cut through the material. The speed and accuracy of the cutting process depend on the power and quality of the pump.

An 87k waterjet cutting machine pump is typically used in industrial applications where high precision and accuracy are required, such as in the aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing industries. These pumps are capable of cutting through thick materials and can achieve high cutting speeds, making them a popular choice for large-scale production.

Overall, an 87k waterjet cutting machine pump is a powerful and versatile tool that can be used to achieve high-quality and precise cuts in a variety of materials.


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